Best Dark Type Pokemon: Unveiling the Shadows

The Pokemon franchise Satoshi Tajiri created has dominated the anime market for nearly three decades. This animated franchise has thousands of games, dozens of blockbuster movies, and numerous TV Show seasons containing thousands of well-crafted Pokemons.
The world of Pokemon is very realistic and detailed and gives emotional insight into all the creatures inside it. All Pokemon have unique niches, abilities, and personalities, just like real-life creatures. There are lots of reasons why this franchise is the GOAT.
One of the reasons is Pokemon variety; you will find numerous types of Pokemon, Rock, Ground, Fire, Water, Psychic, and many more, all with different advantages and weaknesses.
Here is a list of the best Dark-type Pokemon ever created. So don't waste your time and start your journey to catch all the 25 Dark-type Pokemon on this list!

Remember Eevee? That cute-looking Pokémon Gary used against Pikachu in the iconic battle of Orange Island Adventures? Eevee is one of the most versatile Pokemon that can evolve into numerous Pokémon depending on the circumstances.
If your friendly Eevee evolves in the nighttime, you'll get a majestic-looking Umbreon! This quadruped mammalian Pokémon almost has the dimensions of a typical black Cat but with glittering golden circles all around the body. Though some people would argue that Umbreon looks similar to a Rabbit, its magnificent unique abilities are undoubted.
Though Umbreons are ferocious Pokemons and like to hunt for food, they will protect their beloved trainer until their last breath. The true strength of this Dark-type Pokemon gets unleashed on moonlit nights.
The circular patterns on its skin absorb moonlight upon exposure and fill it with enormous energy. You can easily know if your Umbreon is angry by seeing its yellow circles glowing in the dark. This dark-type Pokemon also has powerful Nocturnal Vision and deadly attacks such as Pursuit, Feint Attack, and Assurance.
- Type: DARK
- Species: Moonlight Pokémon
- Height: 100cm
- Weight: 27 Kilograms

Are you looking for a giant indestructible powerhouse? Then, your search gets over with this huge armored Pokemon called Tyranitar. You will be amazed to see how a little Coccoon-shaped Pupitar can evolve into this bipedal dinosaur Pokemon that can crush its enemies in a heartbeat.
You can easily differentiate a Tyranitar by seeing its large and undestructive spikes on its back. It has a hard, greenish, protective covering around its entire body with diamond-shaped scales on its belly, making it durable against all kinds of attacks. Just like real dinosaurs, their arms and legs are small.
Don't judge too soon; they are immensely powerful, and the sharp claws can cut through steel! Making a bond of friendship with a Tyranitar can be a hard job, as they are one of the most violent, arrogant Pokemons breathing in the universe. Legends often say a group of Tyranitar even grounded an entire mountain range.
But don't worry, give your Tyranitar a little love, and it will return you a thousand times more. The deadly moves include Focus Blast, Outrage, and Iron Tail.
- Type: ROCK, DARK
- Species: Armor Pokémon
- Height: 200cm
- Weight: 202 Kilograms

If you have a weak spot for Ice or weasel-like Pokémons, then Weavile will be your heartthrob! This bipedal cat like Pokemon might look like a carbon copy of Meowth. Still, its unique abilities will outshine every other similar-sized Pokemon. The red-colored crown-shaped appendages and collars on their smooth black body give them an iconic intimidating look.
The yellow gem on their forehead is the source of their strength; they will faint and even die without it. Getting a Weavile is a piece of cake; you can evolve your Sneasel on a dark night and find them in certain areas' long grasses. But there's a catch; you must use a special Pokeball; otherwise, they will escape.
Weaviles are one of the cleverest Pokemons; some of them can even conspire against you. They are extremely good at teamwork as they hunt, gather, and live as a pack of a dozen in wild habitats.
The attacks of Weavile are no less accurate than an Expert Marksman. They tend to strike fatal blows on weak areas of the opponents. One critical scratch from this Dark Pokemon can even freeze its enemies to death!
- Type: DARK, ICE
- Species: Sharp Claw Pokémon
- Height: 110cm
- Weight: 34 Kilograms

The chances of you having a Dakrai already are fairly low, as it is one of the most powerful and rarest Pokemons of all time. You can't obtain a Darkrai by evolving a former one; you will have an easier time finding a needle in a haystack than finding a Darkrai in the wild.
Hence, the only remaining ways are hatching them from Eggs or trading them. If the enemy Pokemon doesn't run out of the battlefield in sheer terror just by looking at it, it has dozens of powerful moves to do the job. It has a weird hourglass-shaped body divided into upper and lower parts by a tiny waist.
Though most Pokemons are modified versions of real-life animals, Darkrai is an exception. It has two thin arms and sharp claws that can deal fatal damage to enemies. Though it can scare you like a ghost, it is not a ghost-type pokemon but a pure Dark type.
Most players often misunderstand this mysterious Pokemon, but if you catch one, be sure to give it all the affections it deserves!
- Type: DARK
- Species: Pitch-Black Pokémon
- Height: 150cm
- Weight: 50.5 Kilograms

The creators of the Pokemon franchise have given immense efforts in selecting appearances for the Pokemons, Absol being a shining example. This majestic-looking Pokemon has a dark blue face, a triangular nose, and a short catlike muzzle, making it look like a hybrid of a cute cat and a ferocious wolf.
You can easily differentiate an Absol by seeing its scythe-like sharp tail that can cut through some pretty strong things. Its ears are pointed opposite each other, giving it excellent hearing sense. You will have difficulty refraining from petting your Absol, as its fur is very soft and sensational to the touch.
Absol is one of the friendliest Pokemon of all time. With its ability to sense upcoming disasters, Absol has saved numerous lives. Not only that, they even help people guard their farms against predators. Don't judge it by its cuteness; Absols can be fierce fighters and knock out their enemies using its special Night Slash, Pursuit, and Bite attacks.
- Type: DARK
- Species: Disaster Pokémon
- Height: 120cm
- Weight: 47 Kilograms

Honchkrow is one of the best flying Pokemon you will ever find. They look more similar to Ravens than Crows, don't get confused by the name. Its predecessor Murkrow is more similar to Crows.
Its blackish-blue color, fat and fluffy body, and red marks on tails and under wings will be a feast for your eyes. Its swollen breast part also has a shimmering white coating giving it a gorgeous look.
Honchkrows act as the leaders of Murkrow groups; they implement strict rules for the Murkrows and severely punish those who fail to obey. They are extremely fancy and maintain a well-hygiene; you will never see a Honchkrow dirty its feathers, not even in a life-threatening fight.
They are also called "Summoners of the Night" as they can summon hundreds of Murkrows just by a loud screech when needed; the Murkrows will defend it ferociously. Catching a Honchkrow will be a piece of cake for you, or you can even evolve it from a Murkrow.
- Species: Big Boss Pokémon
- Height: 90cm
- Weight: 27.3 Kilograms

Don't be sad, as there are no real dogs in the world of Pokemon, as Dog-like Houndooms are no less loyal than real-life Doggies. This canine-like Pokemon looks like an upgraded version of its predecessor Houndoor.
They have an iconic rib-like structure on their back as an exoskeleton that protects them against the strongest attacks. The iconic skull contains their life force, as removing it will kill them. Houndooms get a huge advantage in physical attacks because of their strong and sharp horns.
Houndooms stay in the wild like a pack of ferocious wolves; they obey their leader without question. Many old sayings say they even attack humans. As their flair contains poison, wounds from Houndooms can never be cured and will inevitably lead to death. They have a horrifying cry that sounds like bells of hell.
Do you know Houndooms can throw flames out of their mouth? Do you still want to have a Houndoom knowing that angry Houndooms burn their trainers to ash?
- Species: Dark Pokémon
- Height: 140cm
- Weight: 35 Kilograms

This Pokemon looks like it is taken straight out of your nightmares. It looks like an ugly dragon, but with three heads. This edgy-looking maniac has a blue body and three wings on each side of the body enabling it to fly very fast despite its high weight. Only one of the three heads has a brain, the rest two are modified forearms, but it can eat using all three heads.
The chances of finding a wild Hydreigon are low as it is the most evolved version of Deino, and Pokemons rarely evolve in the wild. To acquire a Hydreigon, you must first catch a Deino and then evolve it to Zweilous. You can use a rare candy or fight in battles to level up your Zweilous, as at level 64, it evolves into Hydreigon.
Hydreigon is feared as one of the most violent Pokemon of all time; it brutally destroys everything it doesn't like. But in the hands of a skilled trainer like you, Hydreigon would easily win you championships with unique attacks such as Outrage, Dragon Breath, and Dragon Pulse.
- Species: Brutal Pokémon
- Height: 180cm
- Weight: 160 Kilograms

Sableye is one of the creepiest Pokemon you will ever encounter. These Pokemon have two gems in their eyesocket that function as their eyes. Can you imagine that? Also, its deep purple-colored fur, sharp claws, and short arms make it look like a purple bobcat that walks on two feet.
There are lots of scary legends going on about Sableye. One says it can even steal your soul if you look directly into its eyes while it is glowing. But in reality, Sableye is a very kind and friendly Pokemon, and you will easily tame one with little love.
Staying inside lonely caves has made Sableye love seeking attention, sometimes causing mischief to gain some. But there's a catch: Sableye love to eat gemstones which they dig out from caves and ground using their sharp claws; thus, you will have to spend a fortune to feed them.
Their gemstone-covered eyes glow, enabling them to see flawlessly in the dark. In many cases, late-night travelers use their Sableye as a guide.
- Species: Darkness Pokémon
- Height: 50cm
- Weight: 11 Kilograms

Do you want a dark-type Pokemon that has appendages sharper than your intellect? Then here Is Bisharp for you! Your enemies have a lot of trouble damaging your Bisharp, as the body of this humanoid-looking Pokemon is heavily armored with strong metal.
Its helmet-like dome-shaped head and double-edged yellow blade on its arms give it a distinguishing look. Many enemies flee from the battle after getting intimidated by its small, glaring eyes. Its legs are a powerhouse; many archaeologists use Bisharp to break rocks with its feet.
Bisharps in the wild act as alphas of Pawniards, its predecessor. Like other alphas, Bisharps closely monitor the behavior of their pack members. This intelligent Pokemon wants undying loyalty from its pack members and trainers. Befriending a Bisharp can be the challenge of a lifetime, but once you do it, you will cut through battles like Bisharp's blades cutting through butter.
You can easily catch a Bisharp from the wild. If you don't want to mess with a wild one, you can catch a weaker version of Pawniard and later evolve it to Bisharp.
- Species: Sword Blade Pokémon
- Height: 160cm
- Weight: 70 Kilograms

Remember Froakie? The cute little blue-colored frog-like water Pokemon that Ash Ketchum once had? You won't believe that a little Froakie can turn into this giant monster after leveling up.
As the name suggests, Greninja is an expert Ninja with excellent fighting skills; it also looks like a stealthy ninja! It has an iconic dark blue color, Greninja also wants to look stylish, so it keeps its long and sticky tongue wrapped around its neck like a scarf.
A Greninja can move as quickly and stealthily as a Ninja; legends say some evil people use it to assassinate people with a high level of security without leaving any trace. It has the expertise to confuse its enemies with swift movements, and it's done; Greninja finishes the enemy by throwing stars made of compressed water.
Don't laugh, as the water stars are no less effective than the ones made up of steel.
- Species: Ninja Pokémon
- Height: 150cm
- Weight: 40 Kilograms

The Pokemon franchise has taken many inspirations for the Pocket Monsters from regional Folklore of many cultures, and Zoroark is not an exception. If you are a fan of Japanese FolkloreFolklore, you might have heard about Kitsune, the ferocious werewolf. Zoroark is reminiscent of it.
This Dark-type Pokemon with a red-colored punk ponytail might seem funny to you. Still, it is one of the most powerful, mysterious, and rare Pokemon. The external morphology of this fox-like Pokemon is unique; as you can see, the creators did their best to make it. This Pokemon has three razor-sharp claws on its feet and hands; as you can guess, they are not just for looking pretty.
The Zoroarks found in Hisuian and Unovan have some minor differences, including the ones from Hisuian being extremely aggressive and the ones from Unovan being serious and friendly. Zorua is also a rare Pokemon, so finding its predecessor will be easier for you. Get a Zorua, level it up to 20, and it will evolve into Zoroark.
- Type: DARK
- Species: Illusion Fox Pokémon
- Height: 160cm
- Weight: 81.1 Kilograms

Are you scared of Scorpions? Then think again before catching a Drapion because it is the largest and weirdest Scorpion you will ever see! This huge, purple-colored Pokemon has an external morphology similar to a Scorpion. Its pointed eyes, protrusions on its jaw and upper body, and sharp fangs will test the courage of opponent Pokemon.
Be sure to warn your Pokemon about Drapion's tail stingers, as they are highly poisonous and can kill your Pokemon instantly! Moreover, it has very sharp eyesight and a head that can turn 180 degrees. Not only that, their powerful pincers can easily tear apart their enemies.
Don't ever think of invading the lands of a Drapion, as this aggressively territorial Pokemon will leave no stone unturned to kill you. Many people call them 'Sand Demons' as Legends suggest Drapions attack desert travelers and kill them using their poisonous stingers. Desert Caravans carried Cornn Berries with them, believing they could repel Drapions.
- Species: Ogre Scorp Pokémon
- Height: 130cm
- Weight: 61.5 Kilograms

Crawdaunt is one of the fanciest Lobsters you will ever encounter, but don't think of getting it into your plate because Crawdaunts are so huge that they can swallow you whole.
This red crab-like Pokemon has an iconic golden star on its forehead; this star is of huge importance in their hierarchy, as the one having the biggest star becomes the leader of a wild Crawdaunt group. It has two huge razor-sharp claws.
Legends say Crawdaunts helped humans build homes by cutting down entire trees and breaking rocks with their claws. Like any Sea arthropod, Crawdaunt's body is also covered with a hard, shiny shell.
Finding a Crawdaunt in the wild can be a tough job. But finding its predecessor Corphish is easier than cutting through butter. You will find Corphish at almost every beach and sea. Corphish is relatively weaker; you can catch it easily, level it up to 20, and see it evolve into a giant Crawdaunt.
- Species: Rogue Pokémon
- Height: 110cm
- Weight: 32.8 Kilograms

You can probably guess how awesome it is by knowing that this legendary Pokemon, Yveltal is the mascot of the whole Pokemon X series. The Pokemon designers have spared no expense in creating its outer appearance, as Yveltal is undoubtedly the coolest Pokemon of all time.
This massive Pokemon is also a member of Aura Trio, which help maintain the world of Pokemon X. This destruction Pokemon possesses both Draconian and Avian traits. Its huge two wings have a red outer and black inner coat. Its intense teal-colored eyes with small white pupils are magical; they can hypnotize and even kill a Pokemon by using their gaze.
Yveltal is the symbol of destruction; its sighting means some catastrophe is coming. It has a counterpart named Xerneas, whose sighting indicates the flourishing of new life.
At the end of its lifespan, this legendary Pokemon absorbs all the life forces around it and makes a cocoon for a long and sound sleep. Though this Pokemon is awesome, sadly, you can't catch one as there is only one Yveltal living in the Pokemon X world.
- Species: Destruction Pokémon
- Height: 580cm
- Weight: 203 Kilograms

The name Mightyena is derived from 'Mighty' and 'Hyena,' and just by a simple glance, you will realize this mighty Pokemon justifies its name. This huge wolf-like mammalian Pokemon has four legs and majestic silvery-grey fur.
You can determine the level of a Mightyena by measuring the length of its long black tail. Its bright red intimidating eyes, sharp fangs, and razor-like claws make it a perfect hunter and a nightmare for its enemies.
Like real-life Hyenas, wild Mightyena packs maintain well-coordinated teamwork, making them the best hunters in the Pokemon universe. Their jaws are extremely strong, and one Mightyena bite has a force equivalent to a Shark bite.
Legends say some Mightyenas broke through a steel cage using sheer biting force. Like real-life Wolves, they have a unique howl for communication and intimidating enemies. People can even hear their howls kilometers away. Though Mightyenas are savage, they will become your best friend once you earn their trust.
Getting a Mightyena is child's play. Get a Poochyena, and use some rare candies to level it up to 18. And bingo! You have a mighty Mightyena!
- Type: DARK
- Species: Bite Pokémon
- Height: 100cm
- Weight: 37 Kilograms

Have you ever seen a stylish Crocodile wearing black glasses? Well, your life is complete now! This huge reptilian crocodile Pokemon has a stylish pair of sunglasses around its eyes, making it look like a Bandit. Some even say Krookodile is more similar to a dinosaur than a crocodile. You will be surprised to know that Krookodile is a ground Pokemon, and water attacks are its weakness.
People call Krookodile the 'Bully of the Sands' as it is intensely aggressive but also patient as it buries itself in the sand, patiently waiting for the prey to come in the range of its steel-sharp teeth and razor-like claws. Legends say it can rip through steel plates using its teeth.
They also have binocular vision that can detect prey from a large distance. Its deadly jaw lock has even killed Rock Pokemon. Though there are lots of rare dark Pokemon in this list, finding a wild Krookodile will be the easiest. Or you can also catch a Sandile and evolve it to Krokorok and Krookodile, respectively.
- Species: Intimidation Pokémon
- Height: 150cm
- Weight: 96.3 Kilograms

This list of best dark Pokemon continues with this ghost! Think before catching a Spiritomb if you are afraid of Ghosts, as you will have to deal with over a hundred spirits. The main purple body of this ghost-like Pokemon is made up of 108 different spirits.
It looks like a green-eyed swirling vortex, which gives it a creepy vibe. People say it came outside once its stone base got leaked. If that doesn't sound creepy, its 108 spirits can even take control of humans and other Pokemon. Imagine your Spiritomb hypnotizing you and setting itself free.
The spirits that make up Spiritomb are very aggressive, and so is Spiritomb! They don't have a brain, so they attack humans and other Pokemons without thinking about it.
Like most of the Dark Pokemons in this list, Spiritomb is also very rare and hard to catch. It doesn't even have a predecessor you can evolve it from. But don't worry. You can easily find it in haunted places all over the map with the right techniques.
- Species: Forbidden Pokémon
- Height: 100cm
- Weight: 108Kilograms

Be sure to take your Sharpedo with you next time you go swimming. Sharpedo is a Water and Dark type Pokemon that looks like a shark but without a lower portion. Though the pokemon designers do a great job, they sometimes create something hilarious like this. But don't always judge a Pokemon by its looks; However, Sharpedo looks funny, and it will be a nightmare to the enemy Pokemon.
Sharpedos are unusually smart and persuasive. Some even consider them the smartest water pokemon. Because of their arrogant nature and narcissistic personality, they don't live in packs but hunt alone their whole life. They are often called 'Bullies of the Sea' because they are feared by all sea creatures worldwide.
They dominate their prey and enemies using their hundreds of sharp teeth. They have a notorious habit of attacking the boats of fishermen. They have killed and eaten fishermen many times, also making them feared by humans.
They can jet through the water at an enormous speed using their opposite rough and smooth skin. Their teeth are extremely strong that can cut through steel tankers. They have a unique re-generation system that instantly regenerates fallen teeth.
- Species: Brutal Pokémon
- Height: 180cm
- Weight: 88.8 Kilograms

Shiftry was first introduced in Generation III, and the weird-looking Pokémon impressed fans in no time. The weirdest thing about this Dark type of Pokemon is its hands that look exactly like leaves. These leafy fans are so powerful that they can blow houses by creating windstorms.
The only way you can identify their gender is by checking the size of the leafy hands, as Males have bigger leaves than females. Most of their body is brown, and they have sharp ears and the sharpest nose.
It is very rare to see them because they mostly live at the core of the forest. After all, they love quietness. They are the evolutionary form of Seedot. Their weakness is Ice, Bugs, and Fire Pokemon. But don't worry; they will obliterate their enemies in a heartbeat.
- Species: Wicked Pokémon
- Height: 130cm
- Weight: 59.6 Kilograms

Skuntank is a fluffy, cute-looking Pokémon with a white and purple tail and an orange nose. You will never guess by their pretty appearance that they are not trustworthy.
This creature likes to make its nest under the ground and tries to avoid human civilization because Skunktanks don't like people around them. They are not very good at attacking. Just like humans, they also like to fight and flee.
But what makes them unique is the scent glands. They can smell things very fast and prepare for upcoming moves because of the scent gland at the tip of their tail. They can attack their enemies over a distance of 160 feet by using noxious fluid from their bodies.
Their scent glands also produce the fluid. The fluid is ignited, so they use this to collect honey. The diet of the Skuntank decides how bad the odor would be in the noxious fluid.
- Species: Skunk Pokémon
- Height: 100cm
- Weight: 38 Kilograms

Murkrow is a species of Pokémon that looks like a bird. At first glance, you will notice their head which is covered by feathers in a way that it will look like a hat that matches their feather color, and the males have bigger hats than the females.
The tail is huge and bushy enough to attract you. With red eyes, a yellow beak, and very shiny legs, Murkrow is one of the prettiest Pokemon ever created. Though all Murkrows are not black, their color of it is more purplish. Often Murkrows are considered bad luck bringers.
A myth about them is that you can be lost in the forest if you follow them. Murkrow likes shiny things; like a good pet, they also gift their trainer shiny things. They can get afraid in front of Fairy, Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon.
- Species: Darkness Pokémon
- Height: 50cm
- Weight: 2.1 Kilograms

This Pokémon looks exactly like a scary version of a cat with very sharp claws that get extended while attacking. They use their claws to inject venom into prey bodies or climb trees to steal birds' eggs.
Their fluffy tail is made with pink feathers; Male feathers are larger than females. In their chest and forehead, you can notice yellow-toned oval-shaped gems, but the real attraction of Sneasel is its pink tail. You will also get impressed by its slanted eyes. Sneasel's Johto counterparts look similar and have the same awesome abilities.
They are very good at fighting as they can use some explicit ninja skills; they are also faster than most of the Pokémon. Sneasel evolves into Weavile while holding razor crow at night time. The Hisuian Sneasel evolves into Sneasler while holding a razor claw in the daytime.
- Type: DARK, ICE
- Species: Sharp Claw Pokémon
- Height: 90cm
- Weight: 28 Kilograms

Liepard is a strong, powerful, cruel Pokemon with a long, slender body and a tail. Its deep purple color with white spots in it goes with its shape of it. The green eye of the Liepard is surrounded by green eyeshadow, making it look intimidating.
These nocturnal Pokémon are very good hunters, and they hunt at night and attack from the back in a way that prey doesn't get any hint. Legends say this Pokemon is a black panther and leopard hybrid, and it can appear and disappear suddenly without anyone noticing.
Though they can cheat one's eyes easily by showing their charms, they can be good pets, also. Making a bond of friendship with a Liepard can be a hard job, as they are one of the most mysterious Pokemon breathing in the universe.
Don't try to catch a wild Liepard; instead, catch a Purrlion that will evolve into Liepard after getting to level 20.
- Type: DARK
- Species: Cruel Pokémon
- Height: 110cm
- Weight: 37.5 Kilograms

This list of best dark Pokemon continues with this ghost! Think before catching a Spiritomb if you are afraid of Ghosts, as you will have to deal with over a hundred spirits. The main purple body of this ghost-like Pokemon is made up of 108 different spirits.
It looks like a green-eyed swirling vortex, which gives it a creepy vibe. People say it came outside once its stone base got leaked. If that doesn't sound creepy, its 108 spirits can even take control of humans and other Pokemon.
Imagine your Spiritomb hypnotizing you and setting itself free. The spirits that make up Spiritomb are very aggressive, and so is Spiritomb! They don't have a brain, so they attack humans and other Pokemons without thinking about it.
Like most of the Dark Pokemons in this list, Spiritomb is also very rare and hard to catch. It doesn't even have a predecessor you can evolve it from. But don't worry. You can easily find it in haunted places all over the map with the right techniques.
- Species: Overturning Pokémon
- Height: 150cm
- Weight: 47 Kilograms
The world of Pokemon is rich with lore. The dark-type Pokemons are super effective against Grass and Fire types. They also have some weaknesses, but their advantages outweigh them. There are thousands of Pokemons and hundreds of Dark-type Pokemons available in different regions.
Your journey of becoming the greatest pokemon trainer will be incomplete without these dark-type Pokemons. Though all Pokemon are special and unique in their abilities, not all of them will make you the greatest Pokemon Master who ever lived. This list will help you sort out your priorities for choosing the best dark Pokemon. All the best on your magical journey!
No, Dark and Ghost are different types of Pokemon.
Dark-type Pokemon are weak against Bug, Fighting, and Fairy-type Pokemon.
Dark attacks are super effective against Ghost and Psychic types.